I don't know if you're a messy cook like me, but my kitchen is pretty much a disaster when I'm done. And caught in the crossfire of flour and egg whites is my recipes. I'm quite confident I don't have one card that doesn't have something spilled on it. Since a lot of my recipes are coming from the internet lately, I have been printing them out and putting them in sheet protectors. This has been a great help. They still get super dirty, but now I can wipe them off and put them back into their binder and the won't stick to the pages next to them. But along with my messy recipe problem is my where do I put the recipe so I can see it the whole time I cooking problem. They always get buried under the next ingredient I take out. I know they have those fancy shmancy recipe holders, but one more thing on my already crowded counter is not the answer for me. So I was looking around my kitchen and I saw my OXO magnetic clips. I love these for so many reasons: they clip the tops of chips, cereal, and large bags of chocolate chips I buy at Costco, hang my oven mitt to the side of my fridge, and most currently, hang my recipes up when I'm cooking! (This started out as a post about a new way to hold recipe but now seems to be an advertisement for OXO magnetic clips!) Anyway, I put my recipe in the clip, hang it to my microwave's medal side, and it is up, out of the way, so I can view it the whole time I'm cooking. It stays clean, but most of all is easy to read so I don't make any mistakes! Just a thought, if you're looking for new ideas.
Buy OXO Clips through these links:
Bed Bath and Beyond
Command hook also makes a clip with the sticky backing to put on a cupboard. Ken put one on the cupboard by the stove for me at our last place and we just peeled it off when we moved. Love it!